Category Archives: Christmas

John Lewis Christmas 2013

Peter Jones, Sloane Square, London

If you live in the UK you may have seen the John Lewis Christmas TV advert; the animated tale of a bear and a hare. The windows carry the same theme with animals made out of household products. A clever way to create windows that are all about the product, but in a very creative way.

John Lewis Christmas 2013-2

John Lewis Christmas 2013-3

John Lewis Christmas 2013-4

John Lewis Christmas 2013-5

John Lewis Christmas 2013-1

John Lewis Christmas 2013-6

John Lewis Christmas 2013-7

John Lewis Christmas 2013-8

Here is a link to a ‘making of’ video by The Telegraph:




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Gina Christmas Glamour

Sloane Street, London

Glorious high heels take the center stage in these glamorous Gina Christmas party- feel windows.

Gina Christmas 2013-1

Gina Christmas 2013-3

Gina Christmas 2013-4

Gina Christmas 2013-2

Harvey Nichols Christmas Windows 2013

Harvey Nichols, Knightsbridge, London

Christmas windows have come early this year, or does it just feel like it’s earlier and earlier each year. Harvey Nics christmas windows are glitzy and sparkling with colour and light. This year I’ll be able to show you just how the lights sparkle with video. I have a new YouTube Channel where I’ll be adding videos of windows with movement especially. The channel is suitably called The Window Display Blog.

Harvey Nichols opener

Harvey Nichols Christmas 2013-5

Harvey Nichols Christmas 2013-6

Harvey Nichols Christmas 2013-2

Harvey Nichols Christmas 2013-3

Harvey Nichols Christmas 2013-4

Christmas 2012: jewellery and accessories

Various, Sloane Street area, London

I don’t often do this but I wanted to draw your attention to jewellery and accessory windows as they can often very elaborate or miniature schemes to make such small products stand out. So here are a collection of high-end accessory windows mainly from the Sloane street area in London.



Tiffany and Co 2Tiffany’s.

Tiffany and CoAnother Tiffany’s minuature windows. What a small-scale miracle!



Links of London 2012 ChristmasLinks of London.


Harvey Nichols Oriental Christmas 2012

Harvey Nichols, Knightsbridge , London

Christmas windows around London have now arrived and we will start our journey with  the oriental inspired Harvey Nics. The windows are a continuity of their oriental inspired A/W assortment, and the trend is set to carry on for next spring. Oriental influence has been apparent in fashion and homewares all of autumn, and I wouldn’t be surprised to see other retailers tapping into this trend with their seasonal windows.

(Images, courtesy of Harvey Nichols)

A series of Oriental inspired props such as chinese lanterns, oriental flowers and  fans are repeated in these impactful designs. The Harvey Nichols’ pretty and modern attitude is created using these luminescent brightly coloured metallic finishes, mixed with more traditional Oriental materials with splashes of fluorescent colour added on top. Everything is embellished with sparkle, glitter, jewels and Christmas lights.

The windows are framed in these round and hexicon shapes (to name a few) to concentrate on the displays, but I also like the way the frames extend to the exterior of the windows, something Harvey Nichols have done in the past to a very successful effect.




Harvey Nichols’ Icy Christmas

Harvey Nichols, Knightsbridge, London

Harvey Nichols seems to have gone back to ice age with their 2011 Christmas windows. At first glance this series of windows reminds me of those of Harrods’ Crystal Christmas windows. The use of cheap materials such as cling film, bubble wrap and polystyrene proves otherwise. The look is very artistic and thrown together with an unfinished feel. With the current economic climate in mind, there is no better time to do a Christmas like this.

A Crystal Christmas at Harrods

Whilst some other retailers might be feeling the economic downturn, Harrods have created the ultimate luxury experience this Christmas with Spina Designs. Swarovski crystals decorate each icy forest scene from glistening chandeliers to gingerbread men. They are beautiful.

 Just so you know: some of the colours may be different in reality as white balance is an artistic decision says my Photoshop book!


White Christmas on the High Street

Various, Oxford St, Regent St, London

First of all: Merry Christmas everyone! The reoccurring themes this Christmas have been the colour white and snowy scenery, as well as using the colour red. Perhaps the snow we had last year inspired the look of the festive windows this year. And how appropriate it was with all the snow again this winter. Here I look at what the high street retailers created for their shoppers, I say created because most of these windows don’t appear on the streets no more as it is, once again, sale time.

TopShop, Oxford street Christmas windows have a lovely colour scheme of whites, silvers and camels. Brilliantly styled fashion window! Loving the mannequins inside the bauble..

Debenhams, Oxford street would like you to dream of perfect presents. Snow on the ground and large lit snowflakes are the key features in these fashion windows.

Gap, Oxford Street. The white snowy look is contrasted with red glittery presents.

Guess, Regent street.

Miss Selfridge, Oxford Street.

New Look, Oxford Street.

Next, Oxford Street. I like the use of paper snowflakes here. They remind me of my childhood :) !

Happy Happy Toy-Joy at Selfridges

Selfridges, Oxford St, London

Selfridges windows centre around Christmas top sellers: toys. They delight adults and children alike featuring Barbie and Ken, The Sylvannian families and other top toys. The colourful theme is ‘PLAY’ : the look of the windows is cartoon like pop style with simple line drawing cutouts. Characters Claudius, Rudie and  Twinkle Kid appear in them, I shall point them out in the pictures to come. They also make good Christmas baubles so check them out in the Selfridges Christmas shop if you’re feeling playful!

The Oxford Street windows present different takes on Christmas Day. Here we have Barbie and Ken’s Christmas.

Here they are: Claudius on the left and Twinkle Kid on the right. I don’t know who the middle one is. Here is something you might want to know: Claudius is into Tango and speaks many languages, whereas Twinkle Kid is a bit of a fashionista who was once in a band with Miles Davis.

The Orchard Street windows have been designed by artist Pete Fowler who has created a modern family Christmas with characters we all know and love, including the Shoreditch Trendy Dad, the PR Queen Mum and the Brainbox Daughter.

Winter Festival at John Lewis

John Lewis, Oxford Street, Sloane Square, London

John Lewis welcomes you to attend a winters festival: the scheme is colourful and inspired by Christmas markets. Most of the windows feature colourful disks on the back wall, snow on the ground and colourful stacks of presents. The toy window (below) has a gift unit with present inserts and a revolving skater girl.